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Priviti Oil & Gas Opportunities Limited Partnerships

Flexible investing across three different asset allocation strategies

Beginning in 2014, the POGO investment strategy will encompass the "best of both worlds", by combining the previous POGO investment strategies with the Priviti Energy investment strategy.  This combination allows the Portfolio Managers the discretion and flexibility to make the best investment decision across the following three strategies:

Investing in private companies via treasury issuances

Priviti Oil & Gas Opportunities Limited Partnerships invest primarily in private Canadian oil & gas companies at the time of start-up via treasury issuances.  The relationships and experience of the team at Priviti Capital allows the POGO LP's to invest in many private start-ups that are difficult to access for the average retail high-net-worth investor.

Investment in public companies

The Fund will also invest in public junior Canadian oil & gas companies in value-added situations, such as: start-up, recapitalization, Founders Share and/or Presidents Lists, and undervalued illiquid public companies.  The expertise of the Portfolio Managers allows the POGO LP's to obtain significant allocations in these difficult to access investment opportunities.

Investing in private companies via the "grey market"

Priviti Capital was a pioneer in the area of "grey market" investing, buying shares in private Canadian oil & gas companies from existing investors.  Typically, Priviti Capital makes these purchases from investors, often institutional investors, at discounts to net asset value.